Susan Lily New Music


Tuesday 9 July 2013

The Pink Balloon

The pink Balloon wafted into her daydream. It was so alive and real that her fingers tingled as she reached for the swaying ribbon.

She blinked a few times: startled by the feeling it was talking to her. "take heart" it said softly. "your path is here, you are on it and headed in the right direction for you.  Remember to rejoice in the small moments.  Write them down so you can see them when you are troubled.  We all wish things were different sometimes; that's normal.  Every step you take, no matter the size, is progress.  Remind yourself every day that the universe brought you to where you are for a reason. It will continue the journey and you may or not realise the purpose. Accept it for what it is, a step, a stop, a change.

Create tomorrow's history today where you can. Remember you're worth it, so very worthy.

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