Susan Lily New Music


Sunday, 17 April 2016

I Went "Home in the Back of a Divvy Van" - The Painters & Dockers in Adelaide

With the Teddy Bear’s Picnic blasting from the in-house PA out strode the shyest member of the Painters and Dockers.  Garbed in muso black jeans and singlet Paul Stewart was adorned with lipstick that only he and Robert Smith (the cure) can get away with.  By this stage the ever-growing crowd had made it’s polite way to the stage area.  This is how we do things sometimes in Adelaide, polite and obliging.  
The Painters & Dockers Erupt onto the stage at The Governor Hindmarsh Hotel

From there it was musical mayhem from the opener “Eat Shit Die” all the way to “We’re Going Home in the Back of a Divvy Van”.  Throughout the event, as it was no ordinary pub gig, a plethora of audience members joined the 7 piece band on stage.  Encouraged by the leader of mayhem to do so, they danced and sang along with all the familiar “All Men Are Bastards” and the Dili Allstars song “Nothing Tastes Better Than The Neighbour’s Chicken”.  

Lead singer Paul Stewart

Lead guitarist Colin Badger and Paul Stewart

I’m sure social media was abuzz from the moment “Nude School” began and a portly gentleman dressed in his birthday suit burst onto the stage and into our faces.  True to Docker’s form, and perhaps our city’s, he wasn’t crashed tackled by security.  Instead many pics were snapped and videos taken to ensure it would be forever etched on the internet whilst he danced around with Paulie Stewart as David Pace took lead vocals.  

"Nude School" as only could happen at the Gov.
L-R Michael Badger (bass), Nude guy from the crowd, Paul Stewart, David Pace (V & trumpet), Mick Morris (V & saxophone), Vladimir Juric (lead & rhythm guitar)

Requested to “cry, laugh, or get pregnant” in the opening of the show, by the end of the night I’m sure that two out of three were carried out.  Much love and laughter til we cried was the order of the night and I’m sure most people went home on their own personal hovercraft of joy and happiness, including me.

A more quirky career start you couldn’t have asked for either.  This band’s debut gig was supposed to be a “one off” to help out a mate with parking fines (back in 1982).  The name was taken by the guys from the Union who drank at the hotel the gig was.  Their notoriety over the years has come from a mix of “no police policy” in a union hotel, a disgruntled neighbour with an axe, a smashed up PA and, a riot.  All this happened on their debut gig and suddenly the legend of Painters and Dockers band was born.  They say that any publicity is good and it proved the case once the Dockers (as they are affectionately known) were allowed to book into a venue.  Word had spread and suddenly they were playing to crowds of people who were curious to see what would happen next. 

See I told you Paul Stewart was his sleep lol

"hovercraft" dancing by Paul Stewart
Twenty years after the first time they played at the Gov they delivered a most enjoyable and random event/show/night of entertainment that has this gal smiling and giggling almost 24 hours after.  The sheer energy and joy emanating from the stage gave the audience a buzz that money just can't buy.  If you can, find some live video footage.  You might just find yourself enjoying them as much as all the people who’ve been to their gigs across Australia recently.  Personally, I can't wait for them to come over again.

love Susan xx

ps thanks to for some background info, to Paul Stewart for an awesome interview on WOW FM last thursday morning, and to all the great guys in this wonderful band who gave their time to chat with me about life etc last night.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Thursday 7th April 2016

Hi lovely ones,

How cool is it to get to the waterfront every now and again.  Last thursday was a very special day for me as I got to programme one hour of the show I do with my mate Jim Manning.  I've been involved with WOW FM for some time now and the more I go there the more fun I have.  It was great to sit and work out a songlist to play and then get behind the desk to work it all.

After the show I took myself down to the beach at Semaphore and wandered around to capture some of the serenity that I feel when I'm near the ocean.  It's a great spot no matter the season and a perfect place to quietly celebrate my first show.

So if you can't get to an ocean then I'm very happy to share mine with you.  I'm sure I will have more footage again soon.

If you would like to tune in to hear me on air then please drop by WOW FM website...
and press the live button or you can find the station on your tunein app.
Thursday mornings 0800 - 1000 (Aust Central Time) , 0830 - 1030 (Eastern Standard Time), 0600 - 0800 (Western Australia Time)

thanks for tuning in and have a great week


Susan xx

Monday, 4 April 2016

Debut of "mowing the back lawn"

Hi Lovely Ones,

It's Autumn and what better time than now to learn a new outdoor skill.  I've always loved the warm sunny days of the season that precedes the cold of winter. In particular, I love watching the leaves change from green through to red and fall to create a fun carpet to run through when someone is watching.  Oh yes, you already know I'm such a grown up!

In readiness for a most enjoyable latter two thirds of Autumn I've also decided it's high time I manouvred into the role of 2IC in the gardening department and have stepped up from basic potting to my first attempt at mowing the back lawn. As you will see in the video, I've taken great pains to put my own take on this outdoor event.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I mowed the lawn.

Happy youtubing everyone and remember to subscribe to my channel so you can keep up...or maybe even start to compete...yeah, let's all do videos and compare notes.

Susan Lily does her #vlogging at