Susan Lily New Music


Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Sailing on "The One and All" Tall Ship

Dear Lovely Ones,

I was fortunate enough to sail on the One and All tall ship in early February and in the course of editing practice with imovie I've created this snippet of the day.

This tall ship is permanently berthed in Port Adelaide, is owned by the people of South Australia and is available for day and overnight sailing.  You can also volunteer to help with almost any aspect of this ship and can learn to sail on it.

For more information please drop by:


Susan xx

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Jackalope Studio Gallery - Port Adelaide

Hi lovely ones,

It's taken me a few months but I've finally started using my iphone to create a vlog for myself on youtube.  This week's edition sees me try out a few new things with the imovie app on the phone and create a showpiece to help promote a local small art business in Port Adelaide.

It's a great love of mine to be creative (and one of my top 6 values too) and to have tools to do this is simply wonderful!  So, kick back and watch my second moofee as I take you on a tour of Jackalope Studio Gallery in Port Adelaide

Happy Easter everyone

lots of love

Susan xx

When Living By Your Values Feels Great

Hi lovely ones,

Today I did something I don't do all that often.  I stood my ground on something and politely asked for a compromise on a situation that I didn't feel was right for me.  I didn't refuse anything, simply asked for a modification to be considered. One that would sit well with my values, well my top two values actually.

Since the discovery of my top 6 values I've been doing my best to work with them and to acknowledge them on a regular basis.  In fact, some really big decisions have been made based on these values.  It's true that, if you can't live with yourself, who can you live with.  It's great as well when you can accept that the other person, and only they, own the response to your values.  If they don't share a respect for your values why be involved with them?  If they do understand and respect you for your values the situation they represent may be the right one for you.

It feels a bit too simple but I'm glad it's become that.  I'd rather walk away from something before it begins than to sell out my values when something doesn't feel right.  I know I'm taking a risk but it feels so good to be doing it.  Am I living a little bit more than ususal?  Who knows, but I'm so glad I was true to my values and that's all that matters today.


Susan xx

Thursday, 17 March 2016

May the Vlog Be with You

Dear Lovely Ones,

As you will have read on other occasions I'm experiencing a "first" again.  This time it's a new thing for me that involves my iphone, imovies and learning heaps about making movies and editing them.  It's been something I've wanted to do for a long time and today, whilst I was convalescing, I decided to have a go... here is the result and I hope you like it.  Stay tuned as I will be making more and more til you get sick of them entirely haha...

This is the goddess of compassion and kindness and she lives down in Aldinga and overlooks the sea.  You can see her when you are about 5 km or more away and is such a beautiful site to behold.  If you get up close and touch her there are subtle vibrations you will feel.  If you are open to it you may also receive spiritual guidance through words or phrases that pop into your head when you least expect them.

The buddhist temple is beautiful as well but no cameras are allowed inside so I was not able to capture it.  I think it's best to actually go there and have a look anyway.  Embrace it how you wish and see what you  want to see.  

thank you for stopping by and I look forward to greeting you here again soon


Susan xx