Susan Lily New Music


Thursday 24 November 2016

Butterfly Jumps Into Chart

In the true tradition of a roller coaster, tonight and all day today I've been wandering around with my metaphorical arms above my head. Being on the top part of the roller coaster ride in any industry is pretty darn good.  In the music biz it marks recognition for all the hard work put into our art.  Yesterday my latest single, a track a number of people had encouraged me to release, made its debut into the Country Tracks Top 40 at Number 17!  Wow, top 20 already?!!  I'm not sure that has happened before so I'm basking in it, soaking it all in while I can.

I have many people to thank, all the community radio presenters who are playing it, and giving it the oxygen it needs to keep alive.  That's the beautiful thing about community radio; it gives life where the commercial world doesn't seem to want to.  As any independent artist, of any genre, will tell you it's a grand thing to hear your music on a community programme.

So, to all the radio presenters I'm eternally grateful and please forgive me if I do not thank you personally.   I do try to when I see a fb post or get an email, but just know I adore each and every one of you for giving me air time on your shows.

To all my lovely fans out there, this song is for you.  I hope you are enjoying hearing it on your community radio.

lots of love

susan xx

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