I own a floor-drobe, I’ll admit to it right here and now. “Domestic” goddess I ain’t but I can tell you from experience it makes the whole burglary thing more interesting. When I was broken into over Easter the great thing was that so many things didn’t go. Yeah, I was a bit heartbroken that some of my precious 21 st presents were taken. For the most part the invaders would have been frustrated by the time it took to dissipate some of my floor-drobe and wade through the rest to get to their prizes. They must have been exhausted by the end and a bit pissed off too.
Can you imagine if wars could be stopped by masses of floordrobes? How world history would be different if Sir Isaac Newton was stuck trying to find his stocking when the apple fell from the tree. Or if Einstein could have found his comb? He would have looked like so many others and perhaps his image would not adorn so many tee shirts. I know that my own history was modified when I surprised myself by finding $150 once in a pair of jeans that had been half under my bed for months.
I’m over the devastated feeling of having strangers invading my home and it’s a bit more secure than it was. I’ve also gained a new perspective of the things I value the most too. Anything to do with the creation of my music is vital. You can take my telly, oh please do it’s a cumbersome cathode ray tube. You can steal my backgammon set: yup they took that too. Just don’t take my music away from me because I will track you down and get it back. That, I promise.
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