I’ve always been a sensitive soul. It’s great when you are in the midst of creativity and a bit difficult when dealing with mainstream society. I manage ok and once even came up with a quip to those who asked “why are you so sensitive?” “Why are you so insensitive?” I replied.
I’ve oft wondered about those who appear to brush off the crud that comes their way like it was nothing. Once upon a time I had felt it would be better to be like that than carry the burden of being acutely emotionally tuned in.
I had a friend years ago when I lived in Townsville. She would give the world “the bird” anytime it tried to bring her down. To all around her she was fearless and unbreakable. We travelled together for a time then she continued on to Adelaide to live. A few months later she called to say she was happy and settled with a new boyfriend. Yeah, she’d found her dream life and dream guy.
Not long after that call we received another one and this time it was her boyfriend who rang. My fearless and carefree friend who had behaved like she had the thickest of skins had taken her own life. What made things worse was there had been no signs, no notes, no expressions of emotional torment at all. There was no logical reason for her to not want to live.
After the shock wore off I suddenly realised how ok it was to be sensitive and expressive. Sure, I wasn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea but I was good enough for me. To this day I treasure the lesson my friend taught me. I hope wherever she is that she is happier now and that she knows she is remembered.
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