Susan Lily New Music


Sunday, 15 April 2012

The Power of a Compliment

The world is an everchanging place and yet one of the most common things we humans continue to share is a complaint.  We just love to voice our angst at bad times, poor service, and unpleasant experiences.  What we frequently don't do after we voice our complaint is actually DO something about it.  To be honest, we are then contributing to the problem by not acting on what we have said.

I've been guilty of the above and began a campaign on myself awhile back to see if I could make a difference in a POSITIVE manner.  My biggest beef is customer service and the lack thereof in so many retail outlets, especially the chain ones.

As recently as yesterday and this morning I have set in place the seeds that I hope will make a difference.  In three instances the young people serving me where fantastic.  So I made a point of telling them how happy I was.  The instant change in their faces nearly hit me like a freight train on speed.  All three smiled, and not just a little one either.  Their faces beamed as though no one had ever complimented them before on their customer service in a good way.

In as much as people complain about the "young people" it is we "older" ones who need to re-inforce the positive rather than focus on the negative.  Just try it the next time you go somewhere and the person, young or older, treats you well.  See the difference it makes to their day and feel great that you had the power to help make that happen.

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