Susan Lily New Music


Wednesday, 11 April 2012


The whole idea that all people should be treated “the same” is simply the silliest thing I’ve ever heard.  After working with the general public for as long as I have (and we won’t go there just yet lol) I can tell you that it’s far better and more productive if you treat someone in a manner that will “gain the best from them”.  That means taking notice of their general demeanour from the moment you first make eye contact.  I can now tell within a nanosecond what character type I’m dealing with when I call out a name in the waiting room.  It’s actually funny really because most people don’t even realise their body is telling the truth that they try to hide. 
The most fun are the overtly arrogant strangers; you know the ones who feel by their address, nationality, job status or FIGJAM status that they are simply way above the rest of us plebs.  Its fun and it’s cute since whilst they are carrying on like a pork chop about how important they are things will happen to them that they don’t expect or realise.  For instance, in a restaurant getting poor service and perhaps even food tampered with.  No one wants spittle in their burger... or worse.  Even more crazy than that is they miss out on a new experience with a new person.  Here is an opportunity to start afresh since the person they meet does not know anything about their past and hence won’t judge them like those who do.
So the next time you meet a stranger in retail or hospitality etc take the time to realise that they may actually like who you are for those moments you spend in their company.  Shake off the pretence, relax, and be polite and pleasant.  Or you may wish to be as arrogant as you want to be as long as you can wear the consequences.  After all, whilst you are being caught up in your own self importance the rest of us are out having the time of our lives. 

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